This code is designed to:
Provide guidance for players involved in any activity sanctioned, staged by or held under the auspices of The Suffolk Park Football Club including, but not exclusively, matches and training sessions
Promote high standards of behaviour in the game of football, reflective of appropriate and non-violent community standards of accepted behaviour
Contribute to the retention of match officials by reducing abuse and intimidation, both on and off the field of play
Promote a respectful and non-violent sporting culture.
As a senior player I will:
Uphold the playing values of Suffolk Park Football Club
Adhere to the Laws of football as determined by the Football Federation of Australia (FFA)
Display and promote high standards of behavior
Not use violence in any form, whether it is against spectators, Team Officials, (including coaches and managers), Match Officials or Players.
Play by the rules of the game and within the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.
Be a “good sport” applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the other team
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the game, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background
Always respect the Match Officials’ decisions (If you disagree with a decision inform the captain, coach or manager)
Never engage in public criticism of Match Officials
Never verbally abuse or argue with a Match Official, player or the opposition coach or manager as this is not acceptable (Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players and deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport)
Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
Not bully, intimidate or harass another player
Speak to my team-mates, the opposition, my coach and manager with respect
Remember we all make mistakes
Win or lose with dignity. Congratulate the winners in good grace and seek genuine reasons as to the lose. Celebrate with respectful behaviour mindful of the community setting of our football grounds and the “no glass” law
Accept defeat with dignity, and seek genuine reasons as to why you lost, working together as a team to focus on how the team can improve
Shake hands with the opposing team and the referee at the end of every game
Remember that playing fair requires courage and character, it is more satisfying, and earns you respect from team members, opposition, match officials, spectators, family and friends
I understand that if I do not follow the Code any or all of the following actions may be taken by the SPFC, competition administrator (FFNC/NNSW Football) or the FFA. I may:
Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, the match officials, the coach, the team manager, or spectators
Receive a formal warning from the coach, the club committee, FFNC or FFA
Be dropped or substituted
Be suspended from training
Be required to serve a suspension
Be fined by SPFC, FFNC or FFA
Be required to leave the club
By registering with SPFC you have agreed to abide by this code of conduct. Any person may report a complaint about the behaviour of a player, parent/spectator, match official, or coach/manager from SPFC or an opposing team if they reasonably think that the code has been breached, or the behaviour is unethical or inappropriate. Any concerns you may have should be directed to the the SPFC Member Protection Information Officer in the first instance, or if unavailable a member of the SPFC committee.
CODE OF CONDUCT - Spectators
(including parents/carers of Miniroos/Junior players)
This code is designed to:
Provide guidance for players involved in any activity sanctioned, staged by or held under the auspices of The Suffolk Park Football Club including, but not exclusively, matches and training sessions
Promote parents and carers to take responsibility to support their child’s football activities in a positive way on and off the field. This includes being a role model and encouraging good behaviour in their own child, their teammates, the coach, manager and other spectators.
Promote high standards of behaviour in the game of football, reflective of appropriate and non-violent community standards of accepted behaviour
Promote a respectful, non-violent, encouraging and positive sporting culture.
As a spectator I will:
Respect the decisions of match officials and encourage children to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to rudeness, abusive behaviour, hostility or violence
Congratulate all teams on their performance and applaud individuals for their effort
Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake. Children learn best by example so applaud good plays/performances by both teams.
Encourage players to play within the rules and respect officials’ and coaches’ decisions – no matter what.
Teach players to respect the efforts of their opponents.
For non-competitive teams, focus on the team’s efforts and performance – not the score
Thank the coaches, officials and other volunteers who give their time to conduct the game of soccer
Volunteer my services within my abilities and help when asked by a coach or official
Remember that children participate in their sport for their enjoyment, not the parent or carers
Not pressure my child/children in any way – this is their game, not yours
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, race, colour, religion, language, politics, national or ethnic origin
Condemn the use violence in any form, whether it is against other spectators, Team Officials, (including coaches and managers), Match Officials and Players
Not engage in discrimination, harassment or abuse in any form, including the use of obscene or offensive language or gestures, the incitement of hatred or violence or partaking in indecent or racist chanting
Not enter the field of play or its surrounds without lawful authority
Conduct myself and encourage my child/children in a manner that enhances the values of SPFC in our local community
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all of the following actions may be taken by SPFC, the competition administrator (FFNC/NNSW Football) or the FFA. I may:
Be evicted from a venue and banned from attending future matches
Be required to apologise to other parents, the other team, the referee, coaches or managers
Receive a formal warning from the SPFC committee, FFNC or FFA
Be suspended from attending matches
If applicable, have my child’s registration cancelled
By registering your child with SPFC and/or attending SPFC matches you agree to abide by this code of conduct. Any person may report a complaint about the behaviour of a player, parent/spectator, match official, or coach/manager from SPFC or an opposing team if they reasonably think that the code has been breached, or the behaviour is unethical or inappropriate. Any concerns you may have regarding this code should be directed to the SPFC Member Protection Information Officer in the first instance, or if unavailable a member of the SPFC committee.
CODE OF CONDUCT - Coaches and Managers
This code is designed to:
Provide guidance for Coaches / Managers involved in any activity sanctioned, staged by or held under the auspices of The Suffolk Park Football Club including, but not exclusively, matches and training sessions
Promote high standards of behaviour in the game of football, reflective of appropriate and non-violent community standards of accepted behaviour
Contribute to the retention of match officials by reducing abuse and intimidation, both on and off the field of play
Promote a respectful and non-violent sporting culture
Assist coaches in their understanding of the responsibilities when coaching all levels of football
Emphasise the elements of enjoyment and satisfaction to all players and coaches involved in football
Make adults including parents and coaches aware that young players play soccer to satisfy themselves and not necessarily to satisfy adults or members of their own peer group
Improve the overall health and fitness of Australia’s youth by encouraging participation in soccer and making it attractive, safe and enjoyable for all to play
As a Coach/Manager I will:
Uphold the values of the Suffolk Park FC
Teach players the worth of “fair play and sportsmanship” and to compete within the rules of the game
Encourage participation for fun and community spirit, not just winning
Ensure that average players are to have the same opportunities and game time as the more talented players
Ensure a positive player experience during training and games
Gain the appropriate coaching certificate to aid in the training and development of your players
Maintain a current Child Protection Certification
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every player regardless of their gender, ability, colour, language, national or ethnic origin
Not to use violence in any form, whether it is against spectators, Team Officials, (including coaches and managers), Match Officials or Players.
Respect all player’s individuality and help them reach their own full potential
Be fair, considerate and honest with all players
Be professional and accept responsibility for my actions and encourage players to demonstrate the same qualities
Make a commitment to my team, and myself that I will continue to improve my own knowledge of the game through coach education and various training programs
Coach players to play within the rules and in the spirit of the game of soccer
Avoid any physical contact with the players unless it is required, appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development
Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards any players
Also be aware to any forms of abuse directed towards any players from other sources whilst they are in my care (direct all concerns to SPFC Member Protection Information Officer)
Refrain from any form of harassment towards players
Provide a safe environment for training and competition, by ensuring the equipment and facilities meet safety standards
Show concern and caution towards sick and injured players and allow for further participation in training and competition only when appropriate
Not engage in the use of crude, foul or abusive language that may be determined offensive or engage in any conduct detrimental to the image of the game when on or off the field
Refrain from arguing with the referee and/or assistant referees regarding decisions they make Treat participants, officials and spectators with courtesy and respect
Always encourage teams to play within the laws of the game
Not consent to the use of any banned substance or drugs of dependence by my players
Ask for assistance from the SPFC committee when there is a suspected breach of the SPFC Code of Behaviour/Conduct.
By registering as a SPFC Coach/Manager you have agreed to abide by this code of conduct. Any person may report a complaint about the behaviour of a player, parent/spectator, match official, or coach/manager from SPFC or an opposing team if they reasonably think that the code has been breached, or the behaviour is unethical or inappropriate. Any concerns you may have should be directed to the the SPFC Member Protection Information Officer in the first instance, or if unavailable a member of the SPFC committee.